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Bottle Opener Ice Pick


Bottle Opener Ice Pick

Bottle Opener Ice Picker

> Can be used as a bottle opener
> Sturdy, robust construction
> This is a stainless steel ice pick that doubles as a bottle opener. This ice pick can be used to break up ice cubes, which is perfect for those who enjoy cold drinks in the summer.
> The ice pick is also perfect for opening beers and other bottles of alcohol.
> Bottle openers are designed to remove the cap from a bottle.
> This product combines the two into one compact, multi-purpose tool. A Bottle Opener can also be used to open bottles and remove ice. It can also be used as a screwdriver and a chisel. The product is also made of stainless steel and is a durable, high-quality product.
> This is a novelty product that is meant to open up bottles and also be a useful ice pick. It is also made of stainless steel and has a rubber grip.
> This is also a handy tool for any occasion.
> With a variety of uses, this tool is also perfect for any camp or outdoorsman.
> It also features a bottle opener on one end and an ice pick on the other.
> The opener is also made of high-quality stainless steel
> It is sharp enough to penetrate ice.

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